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Serving the SIRC is Now Celebrating Over 12 Years of Service!

Since 1995, Shawn's Internet Resume Center (SIRC) has served professional and experienced job seekers. Take advantage of our resources, like our free job search toolkit and resume clinic. Search jobs and post resumes with a number of great resources.

FREE Resources from SIRC

SIRC Job Search Toolkit

Job Seekers - Download this free resource to help you manage your job search activities.  Track your online job search activities, resume submissions and progress with employers to get that next job! 
Find out more.

SIRC Resume Search Toolkit

Employers - Download this free resource to help you manage your job candidate search activities.  Track your online resume searching efforts, candidate outreach and progress for your next employee. 
Find out more.

6 Figure Jobs - Executive Job Seeker

Mr. Boomerang
Mr. Boomerang is a new service geared towards those looking to have life brought to them. Whether you are a busy professional, stay at home mom or dad, senior citizen, a person with limited mobility or just plain strapped for time; let Mr. Boomerang be your guide to meeting your needs through home and other delivery services.